April 11, 2012

Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift - operation aimed at eliminating excess sagging tissue of the upper half of the inner part of thigh with a decrease in its thickness. Contour of the inner part of the thighs, resulting in the disappearance of excess skin becomes smooth; the tonus of tissues is significantly improved.

Tightening of the skin on internal surface of hips is often combined with liposuction in other areas - all this allows obtaining the most harmonious result of improved contour of thighs. The area of skin to be removed at the hip can reach 10 or more square centimeters. Sometimes the line of postoperative suture is closed by special medical glue that allows you to take a shower the next day after surgery. The period of limitation of physical activity is short - about one month.

The operation begins with a subcutaneous liposuction - removing the excess thickness of subcutaneous fat. Then from the cut on perineal-femoral sulcus the excess skin is removed, reaching a height of 7 cm or more. Then the tissue inside of the thigh with the skin is tightened up, a cosmetic seam is imposed. At the end of the operation the patient is put on a special compression garment. Duration of operation is about 3 hours.

Rehabilitation after hip lift

It is recommended to stay in hospital for a day. You can take a shower in 3 days after surgery. Compression underwear is to be worn for 2-3 weeks. The final result will be evaluated after 2 months.

© Dr. Edwin Turkof, 2012 — 2024