April 11, 2012

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the modern aesthetic medicine. The skin of the mammary glands is thin, can be stretched by increasing of size of the chest and fall down. However, this happens only up until the skin is young, fairly elastic. With age, elasticity is losing, changing shape of the breast. Breast enlargement is usually taking into account the aesthetic wishes of women. The patient wants to increase the breast, allowing it to be a more attractive bust, more attractive for men. Also, breast augmentation surgery (breast augmentation surgery) is performed with the purpose of reconstruction, when replacing breast implants, removed for medical reasons (cancer of the mammary glands, trauma) or congenital underdevelopment of the mammary glands.

Breast augmentation is performed with the use of implants. Today we can say with confidence that the material from which the breast implants are made - the highest quality, strong enough, does not cause allergic reactions and rejection of the woman and the breast surgery followings look natural. Individually for each patient the volume of the implant and other options are calculated, the shape of the breast in harmony with the figure of a woman is to be selected.

The implant can be placed directly under the glandular tissue or in a box under the fascia of the pectorals major muscle. Breast augmentation (breast plastic) becomes more successful if it takes into account the state of condition and all the characteristics of the skin of breast, pectoral muscles, and the skeleton. It is worth noting the fact that breast augmentation is carried out for infrequently women with elastic skin and subcutaneous structures with well developed chest, most of the patients already have some problems related to childbirth and breastfeeding, the aging deteriorations of the skin.

The operation of breast augmentation is performed by several types of approaches, the choice of which is individual, but should be provided convenient for the surgeon and carry the minimal changes of the mammary glands of the skin after healing. The most common plastic surgery in breast augmentation varies with skin incision in the natural folds. Such access with minimal damage to the skin in visible places allows it. Accesses may be around the nipple, from the axilla. It is important that breast augmentation surgery (chest plastic) does not affect the possibility of subsequent lactation and breastfeeding. This is possible only in the case when a surgeon performs breast augmentation in rather qualified way. Breast augmentation is noticeable when the swelling is completely gone away, engraftment of the implant occurs at the new location. For the first time after an operation for breast augmentation, you may feel a slight soreness, which usually resolves itself.

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