April 12, 2012


Labiaplasty is an operation aimed at restoring the correct form of female vulvar lips. This operation is performed when a woman has too big, too small or asymmetrical vulvar lips that have a negative impact on the nature of sex, the sexuality, femininity and self-confidence of a patient.

Enlarged vulvar lips can cause discomfort during sex, riding a bicycle. Problems in sex may be caused by underdeveloped labia. The solution of such problems is labioplasty.

Labioplasty is not the most complex operations of plastic surgery, but it requires the precision of an engineer, the eye of an artist and the hand of a sculptor. Stages of the operation are quite simple, but at the same time require precision and accuracy. 

Indications for labioplasty are:

changes in shape or size of the labia minora, which can be greatly extended beyond the labia majoria;

loss of asymmetry of the labia;

extension and asymmetry of the labia minora;

too large labia majoria;

flabby or saggy labia due to age-related atrophy or congenital changes.

Contraindications to labioplasty are an inflammation of female genitals mutilation and sexually transmitted diseases. If you are pregnant, you should tell your doctor.

Before the operation, the complex of researches should be performed, as with other operations. It includes a general analysis of blood and urine tests, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as gynecological smear for flora. Before the surgery it is needed to shave the hair on the labia. Before the operation it is also important to empty the bladder.

Labioplasty operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the preferences of the patient, as well as the general condition and the volume of the proposed operation. In addition, mild sedation can be applied using a local anesthetic cream. Duration of the surgery is about 40 -50 minutes.

Usually, if the operation was carried out under local anesthesia, the patient can go home in the same day. In case of general anesthesia, you will have to stay in the hospital one day.

Usually after the surgery antibiotics should be taken to prevent infection (usually within 4 - 5days). For the first time you may feel mild swelling, and pain during movement and a slight hemorrhage.

© Dr. Edwin Turkof, 2012 — 2025