April 11, 2012


Cellulite is a chronic disorder and genetically indigenous to the female body. Many factors contribute to the formation of cellulite: genetic, endocrine, enzymatic, psychosomatic, and toxic, mainly vascular. The former name of the disease is lipodystrophy, as a passive fat stubborn fat. Cellulite formation is unbalanced body disease, in any way means lost harmony. In other words, it is a disease of lifestyle. Depending on the level of it there are some selected treatments.

The appearance of cellulite is familiar to the most of women. Hummocky surface of the skin at first only occurs when the skin is taken by fingers. Then, the roughness is shown without additional measures. In the final stage cellulite can significantly disfigure the legs and thighs, which are similar to yeast dough, which are poked with a finger long and hard. Cellulite is shown not only as a "cosmetic defect" in the subcutaneous fat and skin, which we used to observe in the form of pits and bumps, cellulite is always accompanied by a breach of any functions of internal organs and tissues. In the initial stages it may not be a significant change in the connective and adipose tissue, which grows with the development of problems in more complex forms of dysfunction of the pelvic organs (absence of menstruation, inflammation of the appendages, etc.).

Before you start the treatment of cellulite, you should consult with a beautician. Since the spectrum of causes of cellulite is extremely extensive, the treatment is usually quite individual, and conventional means may not only have no effect, but may worsen the overall situation.

There are many treatments for cellulite. Quite common and effective methods are mesotherapy and cellulipoleese. Mesotherapy in general, by the way, is a fairly common method of skin rejuvenation - not only in the case of cellulite. Good results are given by anti-cellulite massage in combination with anti-cellulite creams and pressotherapy.


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